Are you ready to dive into the exciting world of membershipS but unsure where to start?


the complete MEMBERSHIP kit!

Your Ultimate Guide to Building a Successful Membership Site with the Power of ChatGPT 🧔🏾‍♂️👩🏻👩🏽‍🦱👨🏻‍🦱

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June 19th & 20TH 2023 at 7pm Eastern

Imagine waking up each day to a thriving online community that's growing, engaging, and generating passive income for you on a daily basis.

Introducing The Complete Membership Kit, a transformative workshop designed to guide you on your journey towards creating a robust, engaging, and profitable membership site.

And the best part?

We’ll be harnessing the unparalleled capabilities of ChatGPT to make the process as seamless as possible!

here are Top 5 Benefits of having your own MEMBERSHIP PROGRAM

  • STEADY Revenue Stream

Unlike one-off sales, a membership program provides a steady, predictable income stream. You'll know exactly how much you're earning each month, allowing you to better plan and budget for the future.

  • Builds a Loyal Community of BUYERS

Membership programs encourage customer loyalty by providing consistent value and fostering a sense of community. Members are more likely to stay engaged, provide feedback, and promote your services to others.

  • Positions You as an EXPERT

By offering a membership program, you position yourself as an expert in your field. This not only enhances your brand's reputation but also attracts more customers who trust in your expertise.

  • SCALABLE Business Model

Membership programs are incredibly scalable. Once your content is created, it can be delivered to an unlimited number of members without additional costs. This allows you to grow your membership base without significantly increasing your workload.

If you're ready to Tap into a Steady Stream of Recurring Revenue... then keep reading...

If you're a solopreneur, coach, consultant, author, speaker, podcaster, or service-based entrepreneur, you have a ton of valuable knowledge to share.

You know starting a membership program could be a game-changer for you. It's a way to make steady income, build a community, and really help people.

But starting a membership program isn't easy.

You have to figure out what to include in your program, how to get people to join, how to keep them engaged, how to manage the tech side of things, and how to make sure your program lasts.

On top of all that, you're already super busy.

The idea of adding one more big task to your list feels like too much.

.... So you feel stuck.

You see the value of a membership program, but you're not sure how to make it happen.

Now, imagine if there was a simple solution. Imagine if there was a way to learn everything you need to know to start your own successful membership program.

Well, there is a solution: The Complete Membership Kit Workshop!

By joining this workshop, you'll get all the help you need to start your membership program!

You'll learn how to set up your program, attract members, handle the tech stuff, and make sure your program keeps going strong.

... and you'll be able to do all this without feeling dumb, overwhelmed or stressed out.

In short, The Complete Membership Kit Workshop is your shortcut to starting a successful membership program. You don't have to figure it all out on your own. Get your ticket today, and let's build your membership program together.

Who is this Workshop for?


Sarah -The Dedicated Coach

Sarah, a life coach, has built a dedicated clientele over the years. However, she's limited by the hours in the day and wishes to serve her clients more effectively.

She's looking for a scalable way to continue providing her guidance. This workshop is perfect for Sarah, as it will help her create a membership platform to reach more people simultaneously.


Marcus - The Prolific Author

Marcus, an author, wants to connect with his readers beyond his books. He's interested in sharing writing tips, exclusive content, and having deeper interactions with his readers.

This workshop will guide Marcus on how to launch a successful membership site for his readers.


Mikka - The Passionate Dating Coach

Mikka, a dating coach, is passionate about helping individuals find love. She's eager to create a platform where she can provide advice, tips, and support to more people.

This workshop will guide Mikka on how to establish a membership program where she can provide exclusive dating advice, live Q&As, and create a supportive community.


Steven - The Inspiring Speaker

Steven, a professional speaker, has a wealth of knowledge to share.

He's looking for a platform to provide online courses, live webinars, and foster a community. This workshop will teach Steven how to build a membership site to share his expertise and build a community.


Rachel - The Fitness and Nutrition Coach

Rachel, a fitness and nutrition coach, is eager to share her workout regimes and diet plans with more people. She wants to create a community that motivates each other to stay fit and healthy.

This workshop is for Rachel, as it will show her how to launch a successful membership program with exclusive workout videos, diet plans, live Q&As, and a community forum.


Lily - The Dedicated Self-Care Coach

Lily, a self-care coach, believes in empowering individuals to take care of their mental and physical health.

She wants to reach more people and create a safe, supportive space for them. This workshop will help Lily create a membership site offering regular self-care tips, resources, webinars, and a supportive community.


Raven - The Healing Reiki Practitioner

Raven, a reiki practitioner, has a dedicated client base but wants to share her healing techniques with a larger audience.

This workshop is for Raven, as it will teach her how to build a membership site that offers regular guided healing sessions, workshops, and a community for people to share their experiences.


Laura - The Efficient Productivity Coach

Laura, a productivity coach, wishes to help more people manage their time effectively and achieve their goals.

She wants to create a membership site that provides regular tips, resources, and supports a community striving for productivity. This workshop will guide Laura on how to build such a membership program.


Alex - The Marketing Agency SaaS Founder

Alex, a SaaS founder, runs a marketing agency. He's looking for ways to provide consistent value to his clients and create a steady income stream.

This workshop is for Alex, as it will teach him how to create a membership program that offers additional marketing resources, tools, and ongoing support to his clients.

With The Complete Membership Kit, you're investing in more than just a workshop – you're investing in your dreams, your future, and your legacy.

Don't let another day go by without taking the first step toward your Membership aspirations!

Reserve your Ticket for The Complete Membership Kit today and embark on a transformative journey that will change your life forever.

In just 30 short days, you could be hosting your Membership Program Kickoff Call, and enjoying the fruits of your hard work and dedication.

The world is waiting for your unique insights and expertise – and The Complete Membership Kit is here to help you share them.

Are you ready to embrace the opportunity, elevate your brand, and carve your place among the industry's thought leaders?

Save your Seat for The Complete Membership Kit now and begin your incredible journey to becoming a Membership Founder. The future is yours for the taking – all you have to do is take the first step!

Here’s everything  you’re going to get in the Complete Membership Kit Workshop:

  • Two Day Membership Program Creation Workshop

  • Unlimited Replay Access to the Replay

  • My Step by Step ChatGPT Membership Prompts

  • Exclusive Members Only Facebook Community


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I'll walk you through all of the Elements of a Successful MEMBERSHIP LAUNCH PROCESS.... STEP BY STEP!

Brainstorming Ideas

ChatGPT can help brainstorm ideas for new content, events, or membership benefits. Having a constant flow of fresh ideas can keep your program exciting and engaging for members, encouraging them to remain part of your community.

Content Creation

ChatGPT can assist with generating blog posts, newsletters, social media updates, and more for your membership program.

This frees up your time, allowing you to focus more on growing your business, rather than spending hours writing content. Plus, having regular, engaging content can help attract and retain members, boosting your revenue.

Technical Writing

ChatGPT can assist in writing clear, concise user manuals or guides for your membership site. This ensures that your members can easily navigate your platform and utilize all the benefits they're entitled to, enhancing their user experience and potentially boosting retention rates.

Market Research

ChatGPT can aid in formulating survey or interview questions to gather feedback from your members. Understanding what your members value can help you make improvements to your program and ensure that it continues to meet their needs and expectations.

Social Media Engagement

ChatGPT can assist with creating compelling social media posts to promote your membership program. This could boost your program's visibility, attract new members, and foster a vibrant online community around your brand.

Email Campaigns

ChatGPT can help draft engaging emails for your members, including welcome messages, newsletters, and notifications about updates or new benefits. These regular communications can help members feel more connected to your community and can increase engagement with your program.

Workshop and Webinar Scripts

ChatGPT can help create scripts for online workshops or webinars that you host for your members. Providing valuable, engaging content can strengthen your relationship with your members and enhance the perceived value of your membership program.

Onboarding Process

ChatGPT can assist in creating a clear and welcoming onboarding process for new members. A smooth onboarding experience can set the tone for your members' journey, increase their understanding and utilization of your program, and improve member retention rates.

No more second-guessing your abilities, no more feeling like you're not good enough, and no more letting your Membership dreams slip through your fingers.

With The Complete Membership Kit, you're taking control of your destiny and embracing the opportunity to share your knowledge, expertise, and passion with the world. Just imagine the prestige, credibility, and opportunities that'll come flooding in as you stand tall among the thought leaders in your industry.

Get even faster results with these Convenient Order Upgrades!

As an Entrepreneur, your time is valuable. That's why this workshop is designed to help you create your Membership in a fraction of the time it takes to do it manually!

... for only a one time price of only $197! 🤯🤯🤯

... or $97 if you get Earlybird!

EarlyBird Pricing Ends in...

The Complete Book Kit benefits professionals of almost EVERY Niche!

  • Coaches & Consultants: A Membership Program highlights your coaching acumen & reinforces your credibility and draws in more clients.

  • Course Creators: A Membership Program offers an extra revenue stream and serves as an effective lead generation marketing tool for your courses.

  • Digital Marketing Agency Owners: A Membership Program showcases your agency's talents & abilities , enticing more clients.

  • SaaS Entrepreneurs: A Membership Program exhibits your industry expertise and establishes your software as the top solution to enable your Clients Success!

Secure your Ticket Today!

Here’s what's included:

  • Two Day Membership Program Creation Workshop

  • Unlimited Replay Access to the Replay

  • My Step by Step ChatGPT Membership Prompts

  • Exclusive Members Only Facebook Community


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Lifestyle School | Copyright ©2023 | All Rights Reserved

Hey, I’m Mike!

I’ve been an entrepreneur for 4 years now. My very first company was launched in 2017. AMPM Credit Repair. After launching that company, I saw the demand with so many people wanting to learn how to launch their own credit repair company. 

So I developed and created my first online digital course. Teaching people how to do exactly what I do. Launching their own credit repair company from scratch. Then I had thousands of people online watching my online course sales go crazy and they began asking if I could teach them how to ALSO launch a valuable online course. But in THEIR own desired niche/industry. 

That’s when ANOTHER aha moment came to me. What if I take all of the knowledge, expertise, and experience that I’ve accumulated in the last 4 years and launched an online course teaching others how to build THEIR online course. 

In ANY industry? And that is how Digital Course Recipe came to life!

What makes Digital Course Recipe different than other trainings like it?


  • Digital Course Recipe

You’ll get lifetime access to the course material. So if you ever need to go back and review a lesson to improve your online course, you can do that. FOREVER.

  • Other Trainings

You have access to this training for one year, so if that’s not enough time, you’ll have to sign up again. 


  • Digital Course Recipe

You have lifetime access to our private Facebook group. So, you can go back and review as much as you need to.

  • Other Trainings

The Facebook group will be archived once the class ends. All information shared in the group is valuable so, make sure to take some notes!


  • Digital Course Recipe

Join my team and I, on our weekly Q&A session.

  • Other Trainings

Where is the instructor? Is she going to show up? Do we ever get to speak to her? I haven’t heard from her since registration day.